Wednesday, December 28, 2011

new year's resolutions

One of the major benefits of having a blog is being able to put things out there and be held accountable for what you say. A lot has changed since the beginning of 2011 - I now feel like Charlotte is home, I've transitioned to a new role at work and my thoughts, conversations and actions are almost exclusively dedicated to the little guy growing in my belly.

Looking forward to 2012, I can hardly contain my excitement for what lies ahead, but it will most definitely be different. When thinking about resolutions for myself, there are 5 themes that come to mind easily and I want to challenge myself to focus on. Without further ado, here they are -

cut back.
This has been a very big year for us. We moved into a new house with almost no existing furniture, attended 7 weddings and 3 bachelor/bachelorette trips, visited Ireland, got a second car and generally treated ourselves to small luxuries and fun nights out. Bottom line, it's been an expensive year. In 2012, I want to focus more on enjoying our beautiful house and all the work we've put into it without focusing on what else needs to be done, have more relaxing weekends in Charlotte and just a lot less of everything. The new addition in a few months should make this resolution a little easier and make staying home a lot more fun, but cutting back and simplifying where we can is something I want to keep at the forefront of my mind. It's time to relax and enjoy the work we've done this last year and a half - we have everything we need and more right now and I want to remember that.

get moving.
It goes without saying that everyone always want to be healthier every year, but this year I really want to get back to where I was before this pregnancy. I want to force myself to get back in shape and establish a routine that will work for my new life. Not sure what that will look like yet, but I want to make it a priority to get exercise and eat well however that can happen.

be patient.
Patience has never been my virtue. I want to continue to work on being more patient with the people and things around me and realize that everything doesn't always have to be done when I want it and how I want it.

keep in touch.
So often, I think about my friends and family near and far and I don't actually pick up the phone or send a note. I want to reach out more and be more proactive about being in their lives

enjoy the year and be happy.
Along with my patience resolution, I don't want to rush through the year. I want to enjoy each part and make the decision to be happy everyday. I have an incredible life so enjoying it is all in my hands.

Happy New Year to everyone!

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